
12 March 2014

Colouring practice!!

I've been playing with other colouring mediums apart from paint.... bit out of my comfort zone, but experimenting is good, right? (actually not sure on this occasion, but don't tell anyone!)

I painted the background with purple, blue and turquoise paint, then added some large stencilled circles using white paint. Once the white as totally dry, I went in with the Inktense pencils. I used poppy red, and then black to outline..
I *think* I like it......
I liked it better once I'd added some stamping and some melted UTEE!!!
The stamps all came from one set, love it!!! It's the 7 Dots Illumination set, lots of fab texture on there.
The text is a 7 Dots sticker....
Stampotique image as usual...
She is standing on Glitz washi tape, I'm a sucker for white spots on red!!!
Results of my experiment? Play more with pencils....
Trish xxx


  1. I love this effect Trish and the colours are a little different for you too. Totally gorgeous. x

  2. Great experiment!! Love those circles.
    Amanda x

  3. Fab! Love the raised circles & choices of colour

  4. Really nicely done. I love all the colors and the circles came out amazing.

  5. It's gorgeous & I love it. And I've just realised I forgot about this month's colour challenge. botheration.

  6. Stunning, love results & yes, experimentation is always good!! My ever growing "wish list" has the Inktense pencils, they look amazing!

  7. What a great experiment - the red over the white on the circles gives it a lovely depth and a soft but strong colour. And the stampotiques lady is my absolute favourite stamp - which is going on my Christmas list even though she has been around a number of years now!

    Missed some of your posts because I was 'out of commission' but am fighting fit now and visiting the blogs and catching up
