
04 December 2014

12 Brands of Christmas: *Brand 2* Finnabair

Our second featured brand this Christmas is...
The imagination, inspiration and art shared by the very talented Ania Dabrowska ( has been much admired by an awful lot of people, so I'm sure you were all as thrilled as I was when it was announced she would have her own signature range of products, produced by Prima!
So many fabulous papers,metal embellishments, stencils and stamps, and now a large range of mediums, glitters, glass beads and mica flakes have been added! 
To see the whole range of Finnabair product carried by ASOI, please click HERE.
I particularly adore the metal embellishments, and I must have got through rather a lot of flower shaped pendant bases this year! I used them here...
And as a base for an Art Doll here...
I think the Finnabair range is definitely one of my 'go to' ranges whenever I feel I need a stash boost!

A product from the Finnabair range has now gone into the box of fabulousness! This box will eventually be filled with a product from all 12 of our showcased brands this Christmas, and then the whole box will be won by one lucky reader! All you need to do is leave a comment on EVERY Guest Designers blog post between now and December 23rd. Once you have left your 12 comments, your name will be put into a hat and a random winner drawn out. This will be announced on 12th Night.... (6th January!)
 Have you forgotten to comment on the first two Designers posts? No worries, just scroll back through the blog and leave your comment whenever you have time, commenting on all 12 Guest Designer posts will remain open until the end of December! 
Can't wait to see who our guest is tomorrow ...can you?!


  1. My favourite stencil is a Finnabair - she definitely has a flair for making stencils!

  2. Just done a Finnabair workshop, soooo inspirational, LOVE her products! x

  3. 'Met' Finnabair through a Life Book lesson.... very inspiring :)


  4. I will need to check this one out - looks very interesting

  5. So love the look of the new Finnabair goodies - love all of her products and would happily give up old stash for new!
    Hope we get too see more of Trish's project! Karen x

  6. A friend has just done a Finnabair workshop & I'm sooooo jealous! Her work is amazing, as are her products, I wish I could buy them all.

  7. Finnabair has certainly got something & has made her creative mark! Liking 'lots' how you use her metal embellies. I own only one of her stencils, would love more from the range. Perhaps Santa will hear a few of my crafty wishes....?

  8. Would love to do a workshop with her one day 😊these are on my wish list for after Christmas!!! Xxx

  9. I had never heard of Finnabair before today. I took a quick peek and plan on spending a lot more time checking out her products.

  10. Along with most everyone else, I love Finnabair's product line. Great stuff. TFS your ideas!

  11. I love the Finnabair range ... especially the metal embellies! xx

  12. Love metal embellishments. Would love some of the stencils.x

  13. Love much inspiration

  14. Who could not love Finnabair products?.... They are gorgeous. x

  15. Omgoodness- I can't stand it- just a tease!! Show more please!!
