
13 June 2015


Yes yes we go again... does she EVER do anything other than people these days.......

I know, I'm sorry. I'm just trying to find my way of doing these things, and my experiments are all ending up on here! Here is todays offering...

 I have definitely decided watercolour pencils are my face-colouring-medium-of-choice... but with this one I wanted to not use a fineliner as much, and to get a grip with myself and draw open eyes rather than the cowards way out of leaving them shut! I think I prefer the 'less fineliner' look...

My background is a random bit of chipboard I found, painted up with Dina Wakely paint in Sky and Blackberry, with lots of white smeared on for good measure. I also did my old trick of sprinkling white UTEE in places and melting in for that splattered look...

She is holding bunting, with teeny alpha stickers to spell out the word..

She looks very calm for a red head doesn't she!!

(the shop is undergoing construction right now, so there are no product links in this post. Once the shop is back up and running, I'll pop back in and add them!)

Have a great day!
Trish xxxx


  1. She is a real beauty Trish, I love her eyes, especially the colour - they go perfectly with her gorgeous red hair!

  2. Trish, you do NOT need to apologise! Your pieces are wonderful & inspiring (& enviable). Speaking as a rather 'stressed redhead', seeing a calm one is somewhat confusing right now, lol... She is lovely though, cute banner & you drew eyes?
    I always forget the embossing idea, splatters look really cool. Keep doing what you do. Tfs

  3. Lovely whimsical drawing and I love the layers in the backdrop. Tracy x

  4. Love today's offering ;) the alabaster skin tone, red hair and green eyes are perfectly matched. And I love how you matched in the dress to the hair - fab piece of work. Plus the background is completely dreamy xx

  5. So lovely, Trish! Her eyes are beautiful, as is this entire piece!! XOXO-Shari
