
28 June 2016

Prima goodness !!!

Morning gorgeous people
Tracy here and it's great to be back with you again...

So this week I've been playing around with the amazing Prima Watersoluble Oil Pastels, I've used the neocolours for a couple of years now so wanted to see what these new beauties from Prima could offer....

My substrate for this was a black and white napkin from my local supermarket, and i adhered this to a 6x4 index card with my gel matt medium before drying it fully. 

Once adhered I started by laying down small amounts of colour directly on the napkin and then going over it with a wet soft brush to dilute the colour around the design ( you can only do this technique if you have gel matt medium over the top as it stops the water absorbing into the napkin giving time to move the colour around)
I continued doing this until I was happy with the depth of colour, you can keep going back to areas adding more colour until you are happy. 

Once I was happy I went in with the oil pastel dry and added some darker areas to the stalks of the leaves and centre of the flowers etc smudging in with my finger ( you could also use a blending stump for this)

My final step was to use white acrylic paint to add some highlights and detail to my card and of course their had to be glitter !!!

I had so much fun with this technique, the oil pastels are rich and creamy with a stunning array of colours and they are current on sale !! ..... What's not to love !!!!

Thanks for stopping by
Bright and painty hugs



  1. The lines of the Index card add a je ne sais quoi to the design, I thought it was a great idea. Never considered using oil pastels on top of napkin either but I hadn't thought that gel medium would make it possible!
