
09 August 2016

Dylusions love !!!!!!

Hey there lovely creative ones. Hope you are all keeping well.

We are enjoying some lovely weather here in the UK at the moment and it just puts me in such a good mood..makes me appreciate all the lovely colours and flowers all around me.....

Playing in my large Dylusions journal and of course the wonderful Dylusions acrylic paint and stamps. 

Created a fun background first using various coloured Dylusions paints and adding some random stamping with a black archival ink pad. 

Once I was happy with my background I sketched and painted my flower in white and adding some shading with a black pencil. 

To finish my page I used a white gel pen to put in some background elements on the back. The white really makes the other colours pop !!!

The last thing I did was take a black pen and write in the words 'be free' running down the stem. 

I love the way my journal page has turned out and definately think the beautiful sunshine helped me create a happy piece of art !!!

Thanks for stopping by
Bright and painty hugs