
28 June 2015

Go big or go home?!?!

More experiments from me today.... Does size matter?! I fancied having a go at a big face... as you do... and to try a more detailed hairstyle. So..... this is what happened!

I thought I would share a little of the process.... First thing I did was sketch out the head and body. Poor sausage looks very odd without hair!

Adding hair helps a LOT....

Colouring her face. As I've said before, after trying all manner of things I decided I like watercolour pencils best for this. First colour...

You can control the variation of tones from just the one colour by adding more or less water, so now I really only use three pencils for the face itself. If I had stumbled upon that fact before buying ALL the pencils from all the brands (well nearly!) I might have more money at this point lol! Anyway... second colour...

Third colour.....

Cheeks look weird before the eyes go in! They look much better afterwards...

I'm not a fan of drawing noses.... so I don't... :)
Hair next, I've used Bombay Ink (teal) for this....

(The splodge is me testing out the colour first!) I then added a little detail to the hair. The closeup at the end will show this better..

I draw my faces/figures on watercolour paper, the cut them out and glue them to my background. This works out well because I can chop off bits I dislike! From the pic above, I hated the black swirls coming off her hair, so they went! Didn't much like the extension of her hair either, looks too much like a wonky, very long eyelash. That went as well.... I had also drawn a black line around the side of her face, that was carefully snipped away too. So, finished face was then glued to the background...

Don't fall down.... not a messy painty background for once! This is ripped up washi tape, with a tiny bit of white sponging to soften it here and there...

I added a word or two onto the green dress..

Her hair was doodled on to give more detail. Jury is still out on that, not sure about it...

As far as the experiment goes, I think big can definitely be better, sometimes!
See you soon!
Trish xxxx


  1. Oh Trish, she's adorable, luurvve her hair & you are so clever!!! Great use of washi tape too. Wonderful!

  2. She is so wonderful and so very gorgeous Trish. My thanks to all of you for the wonderful challenges and the great regular inspirations. Even if I can't comment for some reason I do look a lot at all of the gorgeous creations/inspirations Karen x

  3. I love your process! She looks wonderful, beautifully drawn and coloured. This is such an inspiring and helpful post. xxx

  4. Bravo. I too have been experimenting but like yours much better. Hair is such a challenge but your teal 'do rocks!! x

  5. Trish! Love her! Love your whimsical style thank you for sharing the stages too, it is great to see your process. Thanks for linking up to Show Your Face this week it is great to see you and hope to see you again ;) Kx

  6. Trish she is a beauty, always love to see the process .. noses noses lol I find them hard to do . . . one day! Have a fabulous weekend. Big hugs xoxoxoxox

  7. She's cute! And thanks for sharing your process of creating her. I always like to see how other artists work.

  8. She is lovely, and the process is fascinating!

  9. So I'm not the only one with all the pens you can buy?! Hehe, but who knows, we might find use for them all.

    She's so cute, Trish, and it's lovely to see the process, the washi tape background is so clever too.

    Love and hugs
