
30 June 2015

My assemblage return

Not sure if I mentioned it before but I love to do assemblage from found objects. Very often it becomes very weird but I think that not all art has to be pretty, cute or "nice". My assemblage ideas came from nowhere- I found one element it goes with something else and here  we go....

I humbly returned to assemblage idea last week when that lost, silver heart just caught my eye. Let me quickly explain to you where the objects came from before we move to the altering stage.

The silver heart comes from a broken jewellery, hands from a cheap plastic doll, the circle is a lid after Nivea lip balm, metal string of course from a DIY box, some random metal bits as well and the frame is a 99 pence plastic frame.

I finaly decided to use my Prima chalkboard paints and this was the start. I covered the frame first in darker colour then let it dry and did dry brush with the lighter colour. The trick to that aged look is to let the first layer dry and then apply second colour in very fast strokes.  For darker and more pink corners I reached for few drops of Dylusions Ink Spray. The crackle effect was my first time with Distress Crackle Paint and I liked these small, subtle crackles it creates.

Inside the frame I collaged with random bits of paper and used some Chalkboard paint as well as Distress Crackle paint. To give the whole more worn out look I used a stamp from Nathalie Kalbach N studio set Mish Mesh. I randomly stamped the frame as well.

These small plastic hands were somehow to bland for me so I applied some white Dina Wakley gesso and Crackle Paint on the top (just remember that gesso has to be dry). I tried to position hands in different directions but somehow it felt right the way like just about to have a meal...Then I found two random words in the magazine: life and food.
Isn't a heart our life's food? True nutrition for our life is in our hearts where we keep love, passion and devotion...Don't you think?


  1. I think there's something in the air at mo', the number of "a bit out there" pieces I am seeing is rising. Perhaps that says more about me... This is Fab, the creepy arms are just so cool. To think the frame was plastic? Chalk paints are still a novelty to me but here with the crackle too, definitely suits the vibe. Of course the whole sitting down to eat (this plate of 'food'), for me, on one hand makes it more macabre (but my head goes off into "eating hearts" & other bits which has too many weird connotations). On the other hand, the heart is beautiful & so juxtaposed? I wonder if you meant for the sentence pieces to show "He saved" & "..his pay"? Kinda fits. I apologise if I am seeing it wrongly, sounding strange. We all do see different suggestions in art, it's part of the wonder. Your assemblage works from a simple level to many other more complex levels, depending on viewers perception. My perception at this time is very mixed as I look at it.... don't worry, I won't share any more than I already have. It's a compliment to your piece though, to stimulate ideas in others is a good thing. I feel like I should delete & write a more sensible comment. But I am going to be brave & "publish"! Lol. Ty for such a unique share.

    1. This is the longest and the most interesting comment I got!:) Thank you. If it creates feelings and wonders in your mind I can only be happy. Art is subjective and because we all have different mindset it can mean whatever we imagine. Funny enough some of my earlier assemblages I put on FB had simillar feel by people. A little bit macabre...I love to provoke...;)

  2. So beautiful and so different!! GORGEOUS!!!! xx

  3. wow!!! so beautiful and mysterious frame!!!

  4. Fabulous attention to detail - this piece totally rocks! Karen
