Thank you thank you to everyone who submitted an application for a place on our Design Team. The response was fantastic and with so many talented applicants our job was really hard. I'm sorry if you didn't get a space this time but we wanted to keep the team small and the work of a few individuals stood out as being just what we were looking for.
So without further ado let me introduce you to our brand new Design team and I hope you'll join us in welcoming them on board.
Trish Latimer Design Team Coordinator
My name is Trish Latimer, and I'm a paintaholic......
I'm also addicted to colour, texture, quirky figures and rubber stamps.
Combine all that together and you basically get the idea of what I love to create, a often as I can!
lucky enough to to be a full time mixed media designer, (fancy title
for 'plays with paint 24/7' ), which is a very good thing.... I get very
twitchy if I haven't created something for a few hours!
been crafting, teaching (and learning) for around 20 years now, all
kick started off by watching a stamping demo on the shopping channel
whilst at home when my eldest was a baby! I now write for Craft Stamper,
Beads and Beyond and Creativity magazines, and I released a 'how to'
DVD all about paint in conjunction with Traplet. This year I'm
determined to master the art of video watch this space!
Trish xxx
Jaine Drake Design Team Coordinator
Hello there, I'm Jaine and I think I've tried every craft out there (except for chainsaw wood carving and arc welding, although there's still time).
I have three art journals on the go at any one time, started Project Life in 2014 and love to make mini books.
I'm lucky enough to be published in Craft Stamper and in the past Scrap 365 and Sewing World magazines. I also design craft products for Sarah Hurley which gives me such a thrill to see my name on the packaging.
When I'm not crafting I'm being Mummy to three (grown up) girlies, wife to an understanding man and the keeper of a cottage style garden.
Jaine xxx
Georgie Connelly
My name is Georgie from the Little Blue Craft Box blog, I’m based in
the quiet county of Dorset in the UK. Artistically, I am a lover of
altered art, shabby chic, grunge, art journalling, paper crafting…
anything arty/crafty really, I love it all!!! My biggest love is mixed
media within any of these forms.
really entice me!!! From light and airy, to dark and gothic (and
everything in between). I believe the way hues ebb and flow together is
what really makes a project, and gives it that ‘wow factor’. I adore how
colours are enhanced by mediums used beneath, around, or over them. The
possibilities are beautifully endless…
Georgie xx
Georgie's blog little Blue Craft Box.
Elena Ovchinnikova

My name is Elena and I am addicted to Scrapbooking :)) I was born in
Russia but I have been living in Spain for 14 years. I'm married and I have a 4-year-old daughter who is my muse
and the main source of my inspiration. When she sees me to scrap, she
immediatelly wants to create her own big priojects. It makes me smile, it is so
cute, so we often scrap together. When I was a child, I went to the art school
in my city but I was too much young to finish it, because I was only thinking
about playing and having fun with the friends. After years passed, I grew up, I
started to study law in the University (in those times it was fashionable to
study it, so...) but luckily my family and me immigrated to Spain so I had to
leave my studies... I cannot imagine myself as a lawyer :)) Only here I returned to my passion for art
and design, so I finished studies of Interior Designer. Then, one day of 2012,
searching in internet, I discovered
Scrapbooking, and all my world changed. I was so amazed of so many
creations and the talent artists, I could not think about anything else. An
interior design projects require much time and dedication. However in the
Scrapbooking, the projects are shorter, which means that your head is always
keeps the fresh ideas and you can
express them immediately . I love to create a
lot of beautiful things, especially I find myself in Mixed Media. I love
textures, gesso, modelling pastes, paints, sprays... In my projects I like
combining fabric with paper, use some small pieces of something what I have
saved from waste bin :)))
It's great to be able to do what you really love! I am very happy when I
am creating and I feel full of the energy and the creativity.
Thanks :) xx
Honorata Chorazyprzybysz

I like to describe myself as semi - artist, poet attempter and a messy art journalist…And please
excuse me my surname that not many people can pronounce…
I started my art journey totally by accident at age of 33
when attended Art Journal workshop in Derbyshire two years ago. As I always
kept old letters, notes and diaries I simply wanted somehow to organise them in
a creative way and the name of the workshop “Art Journal” seemed to fit the purpose! This is how the journey
begun with art journals then mixed media and lately also I started an affair
with assemblage and painting. I love mixed media approach with its variety of
materials, technics and its non-judgmental attitude towards art. It’s all about
creativity, letting go and simply expressing my own life philosophy…
I live in the heart of England with my husband, 6 years old
daughter and a black cat. I regularly drive my family crazy with the ideas of
new projects and complaints about lack of time to make more art!
I also love vintage, smell of old books and slow life…
Tracy Scott
What a pleasure it is to be here, my name is Tracy
Scott, I am the wrong side of 40 and although born a West Country lass, I
was raised in Essex and am now a fully fledged 'essex girl'.
have always been 'arty' and have pretty much tried every craft out
there but discovered my true passion for mixed media and art journalling
only a year ago. I love nothing more than playing around with inks and
paints, stamps and stencils, and am obsessed by every new technique I
see. This past year has been a whirlwind journey for me and being asked
to join the 'A Sprinkle of Imagination' design team for 2015 has
definately started this year with a bang. I very much look forward to
getting to know you all this coming year...... What a great time we are
going to have together xx
Please give them all a big welcome and visit their links to see more. We look forward to getting to know them better and seeing what they come up with for us.
Jaine, Trish and Vicki.